June 5th // Combined Service @ our future campus site // 10am

Marriage Workshop

February 2-3, 2023

On February 2-3, FBC will be hosting a marriage workshop.  Speakers Andy and Laura Tate are passionate about great marriages and healthy families.  They have 20+ years of ministry and counseling experience through church, counseling centers, and Focus on the Family.  The "Fun Marriage workshop" is a fresh, fun, and honest way of looking at marriage, using interactive exercises, engaging biblical parallels, and intriguing real-life examples that help couples take their marriage from good to great.
The fun Marriage Workshop is a humor-filled, fresh, interactive and yet informative conference.  It’s not the same old marriage material packaged in the same old way – you’ll experience intriguing real-life stories that allow couples of all ages and stages of their marriage to thrive. Couples will learn practical tools to develop and maintain a loving and thriving relationship. This conference is for:

  • Healthy marriages that want their marriage to be better
  • Couples who are struggling
  • Anyone wanting to improve their marriage
  • Small groups and group leaders
  • Area marriage counselors and lay ministers
  • Dating and engaged couples
  • Since we will be covering adult information, children under 12 should not attend.

Our Speakers - Andy & Laura Tate

Andy and Laura are passionate about great marriages and healthy families. Their 20+ year ministry has always revolved around helping families. First as Children’s and youth pastors, then as associate/care pastors and now as presenters with Focus on The Family Marriage Enrichment Center, their focus has never changed—families matter and because of that marriage matters. Together, they assist couples with fun, practical tools to build and rebuild their marriages.

Andy received his bachelor’s degree from Evangel University in Business and his Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Liberty University.  He is passionate about raising up leaders in the home and building a Kingdom Legacy.  Andy is an avid hiker, camper, and Kansas City Chiefs fan.

Laura received her bachelor’s degree from Central Bible College in Counseling Psychology and her. Masters in Clinical Psychology from Evangel University.  Laura is a licensed counselor with her own practice and specializes in trauma therapy. Laura loves being outdoors, hiking, kayaking, and gardening.  

Tentative Schedule

Friday & Saturday -  February 2-3

  • 6:30 pm | Welcome & Introductions
  • 6:45 pm – 9:30 pm | Sessions 1 & 2 (Break in the middle)
  • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm | Session 3 & 4 (Break in the middle)
  • 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Lunch Break
  • 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm  | Session 5 & 6 (Break in the middle)

Cost: $50 per couple
No Childcare provided